Welcome to the SECA User Group website

SECA is a customer owned and operated user group where open discussions regarding Energy Management Systems take place.


The mission of SECA is to provide a communications vehicle to benefit the membership and to improve related product lines amongst the Customers, third party vendors having a business relationship with Siemens corporate entities. This forum provides for requirements definition, problem solving, planning, and information sharing.


The goals of the SECA user group are to work with Siemens EA to:

  • Promote establishment of long-range Energy Management user objectives
  • Resolve current hardware, software, and technical support problems
  • Recommend new hardware and software development
  • Promote future availability of upward-compatible, state-of-the-art technology for electric utility Energy Management applications
  • Promote the exchange of ideas and user developed software/hardware among users
  • Support the promotion and implementation of Siemens EA related systems


Membership is open to any Siemens EA customer who has ordered or installed at least one Siemens EA related product.


Each SECA Conference is attended by eighty to ninety delegates representing electric utilities from around the world.

Siemens EA personnel attend each conference representing the following EA departments:

  • Services
  • Management
  • Development
  • Marketing
  • Hardware & Software Technical
  • Sales

What Takes Place at a SECA Conference?

The conference is informal and questions may be asked at any time. Problems for Siemens EA are presented and openly discussed.

  1. An opening and welcome session allows time to conduct business of the organization. New members and visitors are also welcomed and introduced.
  2. The Siemens EA update covers support issues, action items from the previous conference, new business, new products, and other Siemens EA topics that do not require a full session.
  3. At each conference, Siemens EA will make one or two technical presentations. Technical presentations are also presented by various member utilities.
  4. Joint presentations (Siemens EA and a customer) are appropriate when the discussion requires the perspective of both Siemens EA and the customer.
  5. Site updates call for each utility to summarize their activities since attending a previous SECA. Problems, accomplishments, projects, questions for other members or Siemens EA and other issues are highlighted.
    Note: Each utility is asked to send in a site update that follows a SECA outline, in advance, so it can be placed on the electronic notebook. The Electronic Notebook will be available to all attendees of the Conference. The verbal site update sessions are intended to be a summary of activities since attending a previous SECA.
  6. A future conference planning session asks for session suggestions:
    • What would you like to hear about from Siemens EA?
    • What customer presentations would you like to see at the next conference?
    • Would you as a Siemens EA customer be willing to present at the next conference?
  7. Sometimes a roundtable discussion is scheduled. Several members and sometimes Siemens EA get the discussion going on a topic of interest to electric utilities.
  8. Standing Working Groups are established to deal with a subject over a period of years. An example is the Advanced Applications Working Group. Working committees may be established to deal with a subject that generally lasts less than one year.

For more information, please contact the SECA support e-mail: secawebmail@gmail.com, or SECA President or SECA Board Members. E-mail SECA comments or suggestions to the SECA President.